Monday, November 19, 2012

                                                            Future Preference

   We had a unit on Challenges and opportunities in English class. So today my teacher asked the class a question, “What did [you] learn from this ELA unit that [you] can uses to make [you] a better person?” she asked.  This unit showed how you can overcome a challenge or how a challenge can overcome you. Through the various stories of challenges, I have remained unaffected. I suppose it’s because I can be rather stubborn, so stubborn some people consider me pompous. Because I am stubborn, my opinion on challenges remains constant.
   This unit does not make me a better person. It only gives me more of a perspective on different challenges. Somebody else’s challenges do not change anything for me. Only mine and mine alone change my state of opinion. So for future preference, to all of my teachers I remind you that no matter what, when facing a challenge people take a challenge on depending on their personality.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Two Tools

One tool is a word finder, which works on the article's. So if your looking for maybe an answer to a question. You could put in a  key word and it would highlight the word through out the article and tell you how many of that particular word is in that article.
   Ex: If you were researching the Beothuk Indians and you wanted to quickly read about their ancestors. Hit Ctrl and the letter F and put the word ancestor in, and go to the higlighted words. It should narrow it down, if it's a key workd.

Second Tool is the snipping tool, perfect of you want to show friends how work a certain website over line. Ex: Facebook.
You want to look up your friends profile, first sign in and follow these steps.
doesnt matter what it's on. Go to search
Second put in your friends name.
Push enter and cruise their profile.

Monday, January 30, 2012

It Took Me

It's sinister,
it's wrong.
I can feel it,
pounding in my head.

I can see it,
tainting me
where it's cold hands
envelope my heart.

I hear it,
It's voice soothing,
like thunder
in a storm.

I can sense it,
like judging eyes,
but not seen.

I can smell it,
like fear
on a child,
with nothing to hide.

And then,
it's there.
It's lips
to me.

takes another.
took me.


My website

I've been working on a website in computers class, it's all about me. Here's my website if you'd like to see it.