Monday, November 9, 2009

Remembrance Day

Any one can write a sappy song or write a speech. About the fallen soldiers but it takes a person with true courage and respect to help. Someone that truly remembers doesn't talk about why every one else should be grateful, but why they are. On the day of remembrance day every one shares a moment of silence. Which means nothing to me, if someone truly cares, they would show it with all there hearts. They wouldn't sit at home watching tv and playing videos games, but they would share it with their family, And at the 11 hour remember I could be dead right now I could have no freedom, if it wasn't for the soldiers that sacrificed their life for mine.

Remembrance day is not just about sleeping in and hanging out with friends. Its about a lot more then something you do every weekend. Its about freedom. Its about every day you live in peace.

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