Monday, September 28, 2009

My Bucket List September 28

1) Become famous.
2) I want to drive a monster truck.
3) Travel all around the world.
4) Be a pilot.
5) Play champion volley ball.
6) Have my own show on TV.
7) Help in the war.
8) Be a professional dancer.
9) Grow a beard.
10) Have a hamburger named after me.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to drive a monster truck and I plan on doing it someday!!! I have travelled to the west coast of Canada with plenty of camping stops along the way, I have travelled to Mexico and Florida. In December I get to go to New York and when I graduate University I plan on taking my son to Africa for a couple months. Do you have any specific places you want to travel to?
    I also play volleybell but definitely not at the champion level. Do you guys have a volleyball team at your school?
    I look forward to reading more of your blogs!!
